About Teleshop - IGIA NEW YORK

About Teleshop

Who we are and how we got here.

Teleshop Inc. is a vertically-integrated Direct to Consumer Retailer with over 25 years of experience bringing innovative new technology and quality products to consumers that they can use at home with maximum benefits at reasonable costs. Teleshop’s direct marketing expertise has helped create thousands of products in the hottest consumer categories. Our fully integrated marketing strategies in e-commerce, on television, print and retail stores allows us to reach millions of consumers on a daily basis and are available in the U.S. and internationally. We specialize in beauty, personal care, fitness, wellness, pillows and small home electronic products.

The Teleshop Inc. brands include Freeze n Fit, Evertone, Igia and Doctor Pillow, and its oldest and arguably most well known brand, As Seen on TV; first established in 1987.

Besides marketing our own products, Teleshop has expanded to offering global marketing for other company's brands, including the creation and maintenance of successful Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns, and aggressive online marketing.

Results Matter

In our many years of service, Teleshop has grown strategic partnerships positioning ourselves as a central pace-maker and trend setter within the industry of placement & distribution. 

With an inventory consisting of more than 1,300 unique products and countless active platforms and partners, our sales have steadily increased with each new fiscal year.

Teleshop's reach includes Fitness, Tech, Beauty, Wellness, Home Goods, and more. Today we are among the top sellers in our industry.

Creating Brand Awareness 

Teleshop helps  to create a long lasting brand identity that can not only increases sales, but can also help brands gain global recognition. A customized, effective branding strategy provides an edge to our brands in an increasingly competitive market.

Understanding Logistics & Fulfillment

Teleshop offer in depth logistics and fulfillment solutions. Online fulfillment differs greatly from traditional retail. Teleshop can provide solutions that respect the constraints of time, regulations and packing quality control.

Grow Sales

We create sales opportunities to help grow interest and bring in reliable and growing revenue year round. It is due to our strategic planning and our dedicated team that we have seen sales numbers meet and even exceed annual projections.

Get In Touch

Please fill out the quick form and we will be in touch with lightning speed.

Teleshop Headquarters

111 Glen Street, Glen Cove 11542


Phone: (516) 653-0666 

9:00AM - 6:00PM EST


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